Hosted by

Lieah Torbert

Virtual CFO | Cash Flow Strategist

Hey there, and welcome to the Your Virtual CFO Coach podcast, your go-to resource for becoming the unstoppable CEO of your business while mastering the art of cash flow to create the life you've always envisioned.  I'm Lieah Torbert, your host and the founder Harrington Strategic Partners and the game-changing Cash Flow Ignition Method.

On the Your Virtual CFO Coach podcast, I'm sharing the secrets on how to blend your ideal lifestyle with your business growth strategy so you can start living your dream life right now and breaking down essential growth tactics like financial analysis, cash flow management, mindset shifts, and more!

If you're eager to unlock the potential of my Cash Flow Ignition Method, head over to my exclusive 5-part miniseries that breaks down how you can break free from the 24/7 grind, and transform your business into one that operates smoothly, even when you're not constantly in the driver's seat. Go check it out at www.harringtonstrategicpartners.com/ignition.

I want you to leave this podcast confident that you can increase your cash flow and profitability and enjoy your life at the same time! So let's get started!

New episodes premier on Wednesdays!


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When you have consistent cash flow

in your business, everything changes!

Unleash Your Cash Flow Potential


Ready to see how the Cash Flow Ignition Method can turbocharge your cash flow and put you on the fast-track to success?

Learn how my method can help you:
•  Develop a clear picture of what success means for you
•  Make snappy, confident decisions that kick your cash flow into high gear
•  Run your operations like a well-oiled machine, no firefighting needed
•  Shift gears with ease as business needs change